Rev Pastor Richard Makhenjera

Board Member
The Rev. Pastor Richard Makhenjera is a leader who believes in both servant and transformative leadership. He believes that everything is possible with God and is very determined to achieve his goals on time. He is also passionate about transforming communities for the glory of God.

Rev Pastor Richard Makhenjera is a leader who believes in both servant and transformative leadership. He believes that everything is possible with God and is very determined to achieve goals in time. He is also passionate about transforming communities for the glory of God. Rev Makhenjera is a Resident Pastor of Zomba Baptist Church, Malawi, and a visiting lecturer with Evangelical Baptist Bible College of Malawi. He has been an Associate Lecturer with the Baptist Theological Seminary of Malawi, a Resident Pastor with Chiwaliwali Baptist Church- Ntchisi, and a Teacher with Our Lady of Fatima Secondary School – Ntchisi, Malawi. He currently serves as board chair for the Jali Training Center, an institution of the Baptist Convention of Malawi, as a board member for Lydia Foundation, as committee chairperson for Zomba Urban Baptist Association, and as vice secretary for Zomba City Interdenominational Pastors Fraternity. Rev Makhenjera is currently studying for a Master of Arts in Christian Leadership from the African Bible College. He holds a Bachelor of Theology and a Diploma in Theology from the Baptist Theological Seminary of Malawi. He has participated in many conferences including the African Pastors’ Conference, TACN World Ministries, Dynamic Church Planting International, and attended the Pastor’s Institute of Malawi. He loves documentaries and watching local soccer.