Ngong Justine

Ngong Justin Chee is a trustworthy and reliable team member with Community Vision Group, currently serving as the Head of Partnerships and Policy. He is a devoted youth leader with over 6 years of work experience in leadership in diverse fields such as, Communication, Development, Youth Advocacy and currently in Clinical Care Management within the PROJECT TIDE-Translating Data into Evidence as implemented by the Georgetown University Centre for Global Health and Impact in the Centre Region. Ngong holds central to his heart the rights and privileges that humanity benefits as fundamental rights especially in health and education. He holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Humanitarian Diplomacy from Diplo Foundation/University of Malta and a Master Degree in Political Science from the University of Yaounde II, Soa. He is a PhD candidate in Political Science at the University of Bamenda and is researching on Free Elementary Education Policy in Cameroon.